The body beyond the organism.The status of the bodyin Lacanian psychoanalysis


  • Francisco Conde Soto Spain



Body, Desire, Enjoyment, Lacan, Subject.


This study presents the reflections on the body of the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan at different times of his teaching. In the first part, it meets the body according Lacan’s three categories: imaginary (the body as an image), symbolic (the body as desire) and real (the body as an impossible enjoyment). Secondly, according to the perspective of the last Lacan, where the body is thought of as which provides consistency to the subject. The main objective of the study is to demonstrate that a common axis to all these approaches is that Lacanian psychoanalysis puts the body beyond the body.


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How to Cite

Conde Soto, F. (2017). The body beyond the organism.The status of the bodyin Lacanian psychoanalysis. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 22(2).

