Friendship and recognition.On aristotelian philia.What Aristotle saw and Hegel overlooked


  • Miguel Martí Universidad de Navarra Spain



philia, friendship, polis, eudaimonia, spoudaios, virtues, State.


The Aristotelian definition of man as a political animal (zoon politikon) is not exempt from possible interpretations, including that only within a polis can the human being be happy. From the case of the philia as it appear, above all, in books VIII and IX of Nicomachean Ethics and in relation to the figure of spoudaios that appears also in both books, I propose a ‘political’ reading of Nicomachean Ethics. I understand by ‘political reading’ a conception in which the guiding thread and fundamental motive of ethics is, rather than research into the necessary conditions to attain individual happiness, one concerning with the ideal character of the good man (spoudaios) and of the good citizen. Secondly, I make some parallels between this reading and the Hegelian interpretation of some Aristotelian ideas. I conclude that the omission of a detailed treatment of the philia in Hegel’s ethics-politics implies a fundamental difference in the approach that both authors make of the practical philosophy.


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Author Biography

Miguel Martí, Universidad de Navarra

Miguel Martí Sánchez es doctor en filosofía. 


Líneas de investigación:

Filosofía Antigua, especialmente la filosofía teórica y práctica de Aristóteles. Historia de la metafísica, Fenomenología, Antropología filosófica y ética.

Publicaciones recientes:

«¿Cuál es el método de la Ética?» en Auctoritas prudentium. Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad del Istmo (Guatemala), ISSN 2305-9729, Año VIII (2016), No. 14, 5-19.

«La filosofía de las matemáticas de Aristóteles», en Tópicos. Revista de Filosofía (52) 2017, 43-66.

«Homo capax Dei. La posibilidad del conocimiento teórico de Dios según L. Polo», en Studia Poliana (19) 2017, 27-40.


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How to Cite

Martí, M. (2017). Friendship and recognition.On aristotelian philia.What Aristotle saw and Hegel overlooked. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 22(3).