Berkeley: On Notional Knowledge of Mind


  • Alberto Luis López Université du Québec à Trois Rivières Canada





In this paper I expose and analyze the berkeleian proposal of notional knowledge. Among other things, this proposal represents Berkeley´s attempt to know the mind or spirit, that is, the thinking and active thing that, by its own activity, results unrepresentable as idea. As such knowledge is already mentioned in the Philosophical Commentaries I will refer to them to know the origins of that proposal. However, as notional knowledge appears in more detail in later works I will make use especially the Treatise to tackle the complex notional doctrine.


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Author Biography

Alberto Luis López, Université du Québec à Trois Rivières

Alberto Luis López es investigador postdoctoral en la Universidad de Québec en Trois-Rivières (Canadá).

Líneas de Investigación:

Berkeley, Locke, Filosofía Moderna, Filosofía novohispana y mexicana, Filosofía de la Ilustración y Postcolonialismo en México

Publicaciones recientes:

(2016): «El papel de los milagros en la fi losofía de George Berkeley», Velázquez, A. (ed.), Episodios fi losófi cos del platonismo: ecos y tensiones. México: Torres Asociados - FES Acatlán (UNAM), pp. 333-355.

(2016): Reseña: Sébastien Charles (ed.), Berkeley revisited: Moral, Social and Political Philosophy. International Philosophical Quarterly 56 (4), 224, pp. 10-12.


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FLAGE, D. E. 1985: «Berkeley ?s Notions», Philosophy and Phenomenological Re-search 45, 3, pp. 407-425.

GREENBERG, A. R. 1978: «Reid, Berkeley, and Notional Knowledge», The Monist61, 2, pp. 271-282.

HERRERA, A. 1986: «La noción de existencia en la ontología de Berkeley», Análisis Filosófi co VI, 1, pp. 13-22.

KINGSTON, F. T. 1992: The metaphysics of George Berkeley, 1685-1753: Irish philosopher. Lewiston, N.Y.: The Edwin Mellen Press.LOCKE, J. 1979: AnEssay Concerning Human Understanding. New York: Oxford University Press.

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NOLS, C. 2011: Zeichenhaften Wirklichkeit. Realität als Ausdruck der kommunikativen Präsenz Gottes in der Theologie George Berkeleys. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

PARK, D. 1972: Complementary Notions. A Critical Study of Berkeley ?s Theory of Concepts. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.

ROBERTS, J. A. 2007: A Metaphysics for the Mob. The Philosophy of George Berkeley. New York: Oxford University Press.

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___, 1986: «Génesis de la noción de sustancia espiritual en la filosofía de Berkeley II», Contextos IV, 7, pp. 43-54.



How to Cite

López, A. L. (2017). Berkeley: On Notional Knowledge of Mind. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 22(1).

