From Schelling to the Ontology of Freedom


  • Claudio Ciancio Universidad del Piemonte Oriental Italy



God, Freedom, Ontology, Reason, Ecstasy


The philosophy of the last Schelling presents decisive insights for an ontology of freedom. Particularly two themes of the last Schelling lead to the ontology of freedom proposed by Luigi Pareyson: the ecstasy of reason of which Pareyson himself gave a profound interpretation and the structure of God’s freedom on the configuration of which I insisted too. Ecstasy is the interruption of the development of reason, which comes to its limits and is founded by the being, which is beyond reason’s power. From here, Schelling tries to process a complex and not always linear conception of God’s freedom both as freedom of creation and, more originally, as freedom of his own being. In this attempt Schelling does not depart completely from the metaphysical tradition of the principle of necessity. The ontology of freedom thinks freedom not only as a beginning, but as a choice between being and not being. In this way, on the one hand the absolute origin escapes radically from the necessity and on the other hand, just because its being is chosen within an alternative, its position of the being is not a simple self-position, which would succumb to the necessity, but the position of something different from itself: the being with regard to which it can exercise its free power.


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Author Biography

Claudio Ciancio, Universidad del Piemonte Oriental

Claudio Cancio es Catedrático de Filosofía de la Universidad del Piamonte Oriental «Amadeo Avogadro», Vercelli, Italia. Director del Instituto de Estudios Filosóficos «Luigi Pareyson» de Turín, y de la revista Annuario Filosofico de Milán.

Líneas de investigación:

Hermeneutica, Idealismo alemán, Filosofía de la Religión, Historia de la Filosofía Moderna y Contemporánea.

Publicaciones recientes:

Il paradosso della verità, Torino, 1999.

Del male e di Dio, Brescia 2006

Libertà e dono dell’essere, Genova-Milano, 2009

Percorsi della libertà. Milano-Udine 2012. 




How to Cite

Ciancio, C. (2017). From Schelling to the Ontology of Freedom. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 20(1).

