Approach to a hermeneutics of the visual arts 'in itinere' from the Philosophy of the limit


  • Herminia Pagola Martínez Universidad de La Rioja



Method, Pattern, Limit, Eugenio Trías, Art 'in itinere'


Starting from the slogans of contemporary hermeneutics, this text tries to unravel some keys for a hermeneutics of the visual arts in itinere. It analyzes the notions of method (Eugenio Trías), the immanent pattern of action (Upanishads), the affective disposition, the aesthetic-hermeneutic circle and the aesthetic-hermeneutic spiral. Two hypotheses emerge: the questioning about to what extent the paradigmatic and exemplary pattern in a visual art in itinere is proportional to the deployment of the immanent pattern of action of the executing artist; and the defense that the aesthetic merit in these arts implies that in its dynamics the aesthetic-hermeneutic spiral is fulfilled


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How to Cite

Pagola Martínez, H. (2024). Approach to a hermeneutics of the visual arts ’in itinere’ from the Philosophy of the limit. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 29(2), 133–148.

