Schelling’s Aesthetics: The Idea of Beauty in the speech Discourse of the Academy (1807)


  • Magdalena Bosch Rabell Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Spain



Schelling, Beauty, Aesthetics, Fine Arts Academy Speech, German Idealism, Romanticism, History of aesthetic thought


The Aesthetics of Schelling shows some peculiar qualities despite his Philosophy, in a more general view, shares essential contents with Fichte and Hegel. Although it is remarkably original, has been not very studied; in comparison with his Philosophy of Nature or his theory about the “I”. In this article the idea of beauty in the work of 1807: On the Relationship of the Plastic Arts to Nature” is analyzed. First, some context to understand the cited text and our study is offered. The second section shows how emerges the question of Beauty within the text we are studying. The next point is the analysis the way in which is realized the union of spirit and matter, and how is Beauty who makes it possible. The fourth section is devoted to Grace, understood as union of body and soul. Finally, other essential qualities of Beauty that compound its complete concept are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Bosch Rabell, M. (2024). Schelling’s Aesthetics: The Idea of Beauty in the speech Discourse of the Academy (1807). Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 29(2), 116–132.

