The Metaphor as a Predecessor to Haraway’s Semiotic-Material Approach


  • María Julieta Massacese UBA/CONICET Argentina



metaphor, material-semiotics, Haraway, history of science, embryology
Agencies: National Scientific and Technical Research Council - Argentina


In this article, the role of metaphors in scientific inquiry is explored in Donna Haraway's first book, Crystals, Fabrics, and Fields, published in 1976. Although her later contributions have been recognized as constitutive of material-semiotic approaches, this analysis focuses on his first book, which has received scant attention. The proposal is to question, in this work, the place of the metaphor in the analysis of the history of science, under the hypothesis that there is an antecedent of the semiotic-material approach that laid the foundations for later developments.


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How to Cite

Massacese, M. J. (2024). The Metaphor as a Predecessor to Haraway’s Semiotic-Material Approach. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 29(2), 98–115.

