The Ethological concept of Behavior


  • Gustavo Caponi Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Brazil



behavior, cognition, environment, ethology, organic reaction


The aim of this paper is to characterize the ethological concept of behavior. A concept that does not apply indiscriminately to all and any response that a living being can give to the stimuli of its external and internal environments; but that only refers to a particular type of biological reactions: those that can be directed, and functionally optimized, by virtue of learning processes guided by cognitions. This, in addition to requiring a very broad, but certainly not very demanding, characterization of what we understand by cognition, also contributes to establish the centrality and legitimacy of Cognitive Ethology within the universe of ethological studies.

Keywords: Behavior; Cognition; Environment; Ethology; Organic reaction.



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How to Cite

Caponi, G. (2024). The Ethological concept of Behavior. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 29(2), 41–60.

