Practical Truth and Karl Popper's World 3


  • Moisés Pérez Spain



Aristotle, Karl Popper, Alfredo Marcos, practical truth, World 3


The paper examines the Popperian idea of World 3 as a case of practical truth. The fact that Popper speaks of knowledge as a practical ability gives rise to an analysis of his proposal in terms of the practical philosophy of science, as developed by Alfredo Marcos. This approach offers a more coherent vision of Popperian thought in which we cannot distinguish two incoherent stages, one critical and the other ontological, but one and the same thought in which the relationship between subject and object of knowledge is not as simple as subjectivist psychologism or essentialist objectivism claim (extremes that Popper always sought to avoid).


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How to Cite

Pérez, M. (2023). Practical Truth and Karl Popper’s World 3. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 28(3), 63–81.

