A Critical Account to the Husserl-Geiger Discussion on Affective Consciousness


  • Jesús Miguel Marcos del Cano Universidad de Colonia Germany




Husserl, Geiger, phenomenology, feelings, intentionality


Access to emotions and their intentionality are two classic problems in the phenomenological tradition. A landmark text is Moritz Geiger's article "The Consciousness of emotions" (1911), in which he questioned both their intentionality and the possibility of observing them in their original manifestation. Edmund Husserl, in the same year, confronted Geiger's theses in a series of recently published research manuscripts. In this article I present the opposing positions of the two philosophers and I offer a critical conclusion on Geiger's theoretical assumptions.


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How to Cite

Marcos del Cano, J. M. (2023). A Critical Account to the Husserl-Geiger Discussion on Affective Consciousness. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 28(2), 123–140. https://doi.org/10.24310/Contrastescontrastes.v28i2.15181

