Philanthropy and Human Rights

Human Rights, Epistemology and Politics


  • Juan Manuel Cincunegui de la Vega Open University of Catalonia Spain



Human Rights, Philanthropy, Dignity, Animal Rights, Epistemology, Politics


In this article we analyse the intrinsic limits of notions such as "human dignity" and other cross-cultural analogues in the light of the inescapable asymmetry imposed by the inherent rules of inclusion, exclusion and hierarchy of all language. In this framework, we analyse the exceptionality of human dignity for the very concept of human rights. On this basis, we argue that it is imperative to keep the privileges we recognise for human animals distinct from the rights we recognise for other non-human animals, without arguing to the detriment of the latter.  Finally, within the framework of epistemological and linguistic analysis, we recognise the paradoxical and inescapable character of human rights, which "violently" impose an order of meaning that, ultimately, seem to be based on the exclusive will of the legislator.



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How to Cite

Cincunegui de la Vega, J. M. (2023). Philanthropy and Human Rights: Human Rights, Epistemology and Politics. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 28(1), 101–114.

