Andrés Bello: The own body as supposition


  • Andrea Martínez Morales Doctoranda en la Universidad de Salamanca Spain



perception, sensivitiy, corporeality, Bello, conscience


This article aims to show how in Andrés Bello's philosophy the body can be understood as a supposition and as an entity proposed with empirical anteriority that makes it possible to understand the dynamism of reality itself and at the same time the coexistence of phenomena in the world. Moreover, the role of medium exercised by this corporeality would make it possible to account for the referentiality in the world-mind relationship. All of this is framed under a possible linguistic phenomenalist derivation of the author himself through the defence of judgement as that which acts as a reference of the meaning of sensation itself in order to give validity and existence to one's own perceptions and ideas


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How to Cite

Martínez Morales, A. (2022). Andrés Bello: The own body as supposition. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 27(3), 23–39.

