A few notes on the creative impetus of life:

García Bacca reads Bergson


  • Alberto Ferrer García Universitat de València Spain




Juan David García Bacca, Herni Bergson, life, art, creation


This article shows how, in García Bacca's thought, the notion of «life» and the decisive role it plays in it, is closely linked to a free and creative activity; placing ourselves more in the wake of Bergson than in that of Ortega or Dilthey, as, up to now, García Bacca scholars have been placing him.


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How to Cite

Ferrer García, A. (2022). A few notes on the creative impetus of life:: García Bacca reads Bergson. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 27(3), 7–21. https://doi.org/10.24310/Contrastescontrastes.v27i3.13149

