Subjects of law and performative bodies. Unanswered questions about an institutional design capable of protecting minorities


  • Dante Augusto Palma Universidad de Buenos Aires y Universidad de San Martín Argentina



Performativity; Minorities; Subject of Law; Deconstructivism


In the context of the discussion about the institutional designs capable of responding to the minority complex claims, this paper intends to examine some of the difficulties that concern deconstructivist proposals, especially the theoretical line that makes a critique of the descriptivist view of the subject of law from the perspective of the concept of Austinian performativity. Thus, we analyze the theoretical construction of Judith Butler, in order to remark some perplexities attained by her views and conclude, as a hypothesis, that an institutional design which seeks the defense of minorities and transcends the merely declamatory, can´t and mustn´t ignore modern logic that presuposes, even with a controversial metaphysics burden, the existence of a subject.


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Author Biography

Dante Augusto Palma, Universidad de Buenos Aires y Universidad de San Martín

Dante Augusto Palma es Doctor en Ciencia Política por la Universidad de San Martín (Argentina) y Profesor de Filosofía por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Línea de investigación Investiga el carácter performativo del lenguaje del derecho y el modo en que éste repercute al interior del debate acerca de la protección de las minorías.

Publicaciones recientes El Adversario (editorial Biblos, 2012) y su tesis de doctorado El sujeto de derecho en el siglo XXI. Ficción, lenguaje performativo e identidades estratégicas de las minorías (Editorial UNIPE, Bs As, La Plata, en prensa). Dirección electrónica:



How to Cite

Palma, D. A. (2013). Subjects of law and performative bodies. Unanswered questions about an institutional design capable of protecting minorities. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 19(2).

