The reception of Ibn ‘Arabi’s thought in the doctrines of the tariqa Tijaniyya




Sufism, History of Sufism, Ibn Arabi, Tijaniyya, Islamic Intellectual History, African Philosophy


Mu?y al-D?n Ibn ‘Arabi (1165-1240) is one of the greatest exponents of the history of Sufism and Islamic thought. His influence as a mystic and Islamic scholar continues to nowadays as this research tries to show through the analysis of the doctrines and practices of the ?ar?qa Tij?niyya beyond colonial and orientalist prejudices. A Sufi path, actually the largest in the world, which is a good example of contemporary Sufism balancing metaphysics (?aq?qa) with the exoteric Islamic law (shar?a). This article explores thematically, for the first time and using a multidisciplinary methodology, the main influences of Akbarian thought on Tij?ni intellectual history and its impact on the main authors.


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Author Biography

Antonio de Diego González, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Antonio de Diego González (Málaga, 1986) is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Universidad Pablo de Olavide. He received a MA in Contemporary History (2015) and a PhD (2016) on the history and doctrines of the Tijaniyya Tariqa in contemporary West Africa at the Universidad de Sevilla. His research focus on intellectual history and epistemological problems in Islamic contemporary societies. He is author of "Ley y Gnosis. Historia intelectual de la tariqa Tijaniyya" (Editorial Universidad de Granada, Granada, 2020) and "Populismo Islámico" (Almuzara, Córdoba, 2020).


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How to Cite

de Diego González, A. (2022). The reception of Ibn ‘Arabi’s thought in the doctrines of the tariqa Tijaniyya. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 27(1), 7–28.

