Being, history and writing: Jacques Derrida and «historicity» in Martin Heidegger


  • Marco Antonio Nuñez Cantos Spain



Jacques Derrida, Martin Heidegger, historicity, trace, arche-history


This paper analyzes Jacques Derrida's reading of the Heideggerian notion of «historicity» (Geschichte) as opposed to a historicist conception of «empirical history» (Historie). In the first place, we intend to expose the complexity of a reading that oscillates between the proximity to the Heideggerian approaches and the distancing of them, taking as reference the Heidegger seminar: The question of being and history. Secondly, we will try to analyze the consequences of moving the concept of «history» to the field of writing and the economy of différance, to generate a new conceptuality, laying the foundations of a new philosophy of history based on the thought of the trace.


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How to Cite

Nuñez Cantos, M. A. (2021). Being, history and writing: Jacques Derrida and «historicity» in Martin Heidegger. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 26(3), 49–67.

