Health and self-regulation of prisoners. A comparative study with participants with no criminal history


  • Miguel Jesús Bascón Díaz Universidad de Sevilla Spain
  • Virginia Vargas Girón Universidad de Sevilla Spain



psychosocial health, prisoners, self-regulation


Traditionally it has been argued that prison is a risk factor for psychological balance. Therefore, this paper aims to evaluate the health and self-regulation of prisoners and non-prisoners, and to explore the association between these two dimensions. 10 prisoners and 10 participants with no criminal history was studied, who were administered the health questionnaire GHQ-28 and the self-regulation scale MAPA. Applying nonparametric tests (Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman Rho correlations), the results show that prisoners have better health and behavioral self-regulation, and that these two dimensions do not correlate in a remarkable way.


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Author Biographies

Miguel Jesús Bascón Díaz, Universidad de Sevilla

Doctor en Psicología. Profesor Ayudante Doctor (Acreditado Contratado
Doctor), Universidad de Sevilla, Departamento de Psicología Experimental. Beca Predoctoral Formación
Personal Investigador. Tercer Ciclo en Estudios de Género. Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado. Técnico
Formación. Línea de investigación: discurso, género y ajuste psicosocial.

Virginia Vargas Girón, Universidad de Sevilla

Licenciada en Psicología. Master Universitario de Migraciones Internacionales, Salud
y Bienestar: Modelos y Estrategias de Intervención. Alumna interna y Asistente Honoraria en Departamento
de Psicología Experimental (Universidad de Sevilla).


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How to Cite

Bascón Díaz, M. J., & Vargas Girón, V. (2020). Health and self-regulation of prisoners. A comparative study with participants with no criminal history. Boletín Criminológico, (21).