Social and economics causes of crime in Mexico


  • René Leticia Lozano Cortés Universidad de Quintana Roo Mexico
  • Luís Fernando Cabrera Castellanos Universidad de Quintana Roo Mexico
  • Maribel Lozano Cortés Universidad de Quintana Roo Mexico



crime, unemployment, inequality, Mexico


This paper analyzes the social  and economic causes of the increase in crime in Mexico, such as unemployment and inequality, but considering the probability that criminals will not be apprehended and punished, depending on whether it is the crime of common law or federal jurisdiction. The analysis is carried out using a cross-section regression model for the 32 states of Mexico. We find, as in other studies, a positive and significant relationship between crime and the variables of unemployment and inequality. We also find that, if the criminals of the common law consider that the probability that they will not be apprehended increases, they also increase the incentives for them to continue committing crimes.


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How to Cite

Lozano Cortés, R. L., Cabrera Castellanos, L. F., & Lozano Cortés, M. (2018). Social and economics causes of crime in Mexico. Boletín Criminológico, (24).