Constellations of Perversity - Towards a multi- dimensional model of Psychopathy


  • César San Juan Guillén Universidad del País Vasco Spain



Psychopathy, psychopathic personality, CAPP, conceptual mapping


The classification of personality disorders has been systematically subjected to a series of conceptual, methodological and even ethical dilemmas. In this context, it is worth noting that psychopathy has not been included in the DSM5 psychiatric vademecum,
assimilating it, with some nuances, to Antisocial Personality Disorder. However, professional experience in the field of mental health and criminology suggests that the reality of this psychological construct is somewhat more complex. In fact, what we can observe in people “diagnosed” with psychopathy is a great heterogeneity of personality profiles, with varying degrees of perversity or emotional depth that make some traditional instruments for assessing psychopathy very limited tools for understanding its complex constellation of edges. This article offers an updated review of the most recent findings on psychopathic personality, the definition of which would fit better into a conceptual map made up of various parameters of a cognitive, behavioral, interpersonal and emotional nature. Because of this new approach, several assessment tools have emerged, among which we highlight the different versions of the CAPP (Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality). While it is clear that more research in this field is needed, the available findings that assume a multidimensional approach are promising for advancing a holistic and comprehensive understanding of psychopathic personality.


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How to Cite

San Juan Guillén, C. (2024). Constellations of Perversity - Towards a multi- dimensional model of Psychopathy. Boletín Criminológico, (30).