Differences between white-collar offenders and common offenders in a sample of convicted persons in a Spanish prison
White-collar crime, white-collar offender profile, differences between white-collar offenders and common offendersAbstract
The study aims to compare sociodemographic characteristics, and risk factors in childhood and adulthood between two samples of offenders: those convicted of common offences (n=328) and those convicted of white-collar crimes (n=349). Significant differences were found in most of the variables collected: white-collar offenders are older, are nationals, show more stability in employment and family, and possess more risk factors in childhood. Differences in adulthood are accentuated in the risk factors associated with common crimes (such as substance misuse) but less so in an economic or personal crisis that could facilitate involvement in the crime. Differences encountered are in line with the differences found in similar studies in other cultural contexts.
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