Introduction to the planetary boundaries of ecocriminology: analysis of the global security against climate change



integral security, climate change, planetary boundaries, planetary health


The anthropic pressures that the planet supports have reached a point that some studies describe as one of no return, endangering planetary health. Faced with this situation, it is necessary to analyze how the ecological damage generated by the human species is increasing injustices at a global level and how it impacts potential victims. The advancement of technology and activities generate new risks linked to a capitalist model that fosters inequality while propitiating an increase in pressure on nature itself. This generates risk situations that can represent threats to the planet and all the species that reside on it, which is why they have been included in National Security strategies. With this perspective, it is necessary to analyze these damages generated through the limits that the Earth system, Gaia, can withstand from ecocriminology to delve into those threats that can be quantified and pose a problem.
Likewise, within this perspective, the direct and indirect impact that the different species that reside in Gaia and even ecosystems may suffer is considered. Within these threats, one of them is analyzed specifically since we focus on climate change as one of the planetary limits that have been exceeded and that has had to be incorporated into the National Security Strategy. 
National Security Strategy.


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Author Biography

Esteban Morelle-Hungría, Universitat Jaume I

Esteban Morelle-Hungría. Profesor Ayudante Doctor en Criminología y Derecho penal en la Universitat Jaume I (acreditado a PCD). Su línea principal de investigación se ha centrado en la intersección entre la Criminología verde y diferentes áreas de conocimiento en el análisis del daño ecológico desde una perspectiva ecosistémica. Es autor de numerosos trabajos de investigación en materia ecocriminológica y ha realizado diversas estancias de investigación en centros de referencia a nivel nacional e internacional. ORCID: 0000-0001-5149-1792.
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How to Cite

Morelle-Hungría, E. (2022). Introduction to the planetary boundaries of ecocriminology: analysis of the global security against climate change. Boletín Criminológico, (28). Retrieved from