Applying threshold analysis to property crimes in neighbourhoods and districts in Barcelona


  • Diego J. Maldonado-Guzmán Universidad de Cádiz Spain
  • Patricia Saldaña-Taboada Universidad de Granada Spain
  • Daniel Salafranca-Barreda Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche Spain



common crime, police corps, crime analysis, weighted moving average


The shortage of human and technical resources in the police forces complicates the study of crime patterns. To assist in this task, Chamberlayne (2008) introduced automation to the statistical technique of threshold analysis, which calculates the expected number of crimes in a region by using the weighted moving average. The volume of crime in an area can thus be estimated based on previous years in relation to the expected volume in the current year. It therefore facilitates the detection of areas with an increase or decrease in crime beyond expectations. Due to the problem of property crime in Barcelona, the objective of this paper is to apply the technique of threshold analysis to detect unusual volumes of this type of offence. We analysed 164’788 street offences against the property in districts of Barcelona between 2015 and 2017. The results suggest that greater attention should be paid to the districts of Ciutat Vella and San Martí, as well as to the neighbourhoods of Barceloneta, el Raval and El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou, due to the higher crime levels than expected in these zones. Significant reductions are also noted in other areas. Threshold analysis is therefore a useful and easy-to-use crime analysis technique in police management. Furthermore, it allows the identification of areas where the variation in crime requires further detailed study and analysis.


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How to Cite

Maldonado-Guzmán, D. J. ., Saldaña-Taboada, P. ., & Salafranca-Barreda, D. . (2020). Applying threshold analysis to property crimes in neighbourhoods and districts in Barcelona. Boletín Criminológico.