Worry about crime in safe places: An exploratory study about subjective safety in Quito, Ecuador


  • David Anrango-Narváez Policía Nacional de Ecuador Ecuador




police legitimacy;, ethnography;, risk of victimization;, composed cognitive map


This study is part of the initial efforts to explore the relationship between citizens’ security expectations and the operational management of the Ecuadorian police. The article analyses how the concern for becoming a victim of a crime is not always linked to the improvements and efforts to control the objective crime. Through a survey carried out in the district Las Casas 1 of Quito, we examine the relationship between the concern for becoming a victim of a crime and demographic, social, environmental and policing variables. In addition, we identify the hotspots of fear of crime and their situational elements through composed cognitive maps. We discuss the manner in which this new instrument could motivate the interest of the police in dealing with the perceived crime.


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Author Biography

David Anrango-Narváez, Policía Nacional de Ecuador

David Anrango Narváez es Oficial de la policía de Ecuador y Máster en Análisis y Prevención del Delito. Experiencia como policía de barrio, agente investigador antisecuestros y analista delictual. Forma parte del grupo policías que motivaron la incorporación de la gestión de información criminológica en Ecuador (Sistema David). Actualmente pertenece al Departamento de Análisis de Información del Delito de la Policía Nacional.


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How to Cite

Anrango-Narváez, D. . (2020). Worry about crime in safe places: An exploratory study about subjective safety in Quito, Ecuador. Boletín Criminológico. https://doi.org/10.24310/Boletin-criminologico.2020.v27i.11277