Publish or Perish? Thoughts about the Second Meeting of Early Career Researchers in Criminology


  • Lorena Molnar Université de Lausanne Switzerland
  • Cristina Del-Real Universidad de Cádiz Spain



academic career;, peer-review;, academic publication;, Doctoral thesis


This special issue of the Criminological Bulletin contains nine of the best contributions presented during the 2nd Meeting of Spanish Early-Career Researchers in Criminology, which took place at the Law School of the University of Malaga (Spain) on the 13th and 14th of February 2020. This article presents firstly the nine contributions of the special issue. As well, it discusses the challenge of publishing while being an early-career researcher. In particular, we briefly review the literature on the “publish or perish” phenomenon to set out its assets, as well as its difficulties. Last, we outline several recommendations for publishing successfully while preserving the ethical and methodological principles of our discipline.


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Author Biographies

Lorena Molnar, Université de Lausanne

Lorena Molnar es doctoranda en criminología en la Université de Lausanne (Suiza), investigando colectivos sensibles y trabajando en criminología comparada, siendo parte del grupo de expertos del European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics.

Cristina Del-Real, Universidad de Cádiz

Cristina Del-Real es investigadora predoctoral en la Universidad de Cádiz (España). Sus líneas de investigación son la gobernanza de la seguridad, la aceptación pública de tecnologías y las percepciones públicas sobre servicios de inteligencia. Pertenece al Grupo de Investigación “Sistema penal, criminalidad y seguridad” (SEJ-378) de la Universidad de Cádiz.


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How to Cite

Molnar, L. ., & Del-Real, C. (2020). Publish or Perish? Thoughts about the Second Meeting of Early Career Researchers in Criminology. Boletín Criminológico.