Ibn Arabi and the Mancebo of Arévalo: His Perspectives on the Wise Woman


  • Carola M. Narváez-Rosario Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico United States




Ibn Arabí, Mancebo de Arévalo, Al Ándalus, wise woman


This article makes a journey from the twelfth to the sixteenth century to contrast the perspective of Ibn Arabí and the Mancebo de Arévalo around the wise woman in Al Ándalus. In the case of Ibn Arabí (Twelfth century) his expressions of Shams Umm al-Fuqarâ and Mûnah Fâtima bint b. al-Muthannâ are analyzed in his book titled Los sufíes de Andalucía. Meanwhile, in the case of the Mancebo de Arévalo (Sixteenth cen-tury) his expressions on the Mora de Úbeda and Nozaita Kalderán are analyzed in his book titled Tafsira. Both cases provide different views around the wise woman that show the work of these women at certain times in Al Ándalus.


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How to Cite

Narváez-Rosario, C. M. (2023). Ibn Arabi and the Mancebo of Arévalo: His Perspectives on the Wise Woman. Analecta Malacitana. Revista De La sección De Filología De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, 44, 245–259. https://doi.org/10.24310/analecta44202318234