The eco-spirituality of Michel Maxime Egger: a Trinitarian and panentheistic metanoia


  • Talía Jiménez Romero Universidad de Estrasburgo. Escuela Doctoral 270: Teología y Ciencias Religiosas Spain



ecospirituality, spiritual ecology, ecopsychology, orthodoxy, panentheism


In recent years, interest has grown -both in academia and in different forms of environmental, social and political activism- in the phenomenon of the spiritualization of ecology and the greening of religion. In a French-speaking context, ecospirituality has become a topic addressed by studies in contemporary theology, as well as in sociological and anthropological research. This article analyzes the theological implications of the concept of ecospirituality developed by Michel Maxime Egger. For this, the main epistemological and ontological bases on which this concept is based will be briefly addressed: Raimon Panikkar's trinity, the mystical theology of the fathers of the Orthodox Church, pantheism and ecopsychology.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Romero, T. (2024). The eco-spirituality of Michel Maxime Egger: a Trinitarian and panentheistic metanoia. Review of Anthropology and Philosophy of the Sacrum, 7(1), 87–103.


