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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Reception of manuscripts

The manuscripts can be submitted at any time. Issues close on September 1 and March 1. Layout and proofreading are done in October for the December issue and in April for the June issue. The printing and placement on the web is done at the end of November and May respectively  in order to always comply with the periodicity indicated (both online and on paper). If in an exceptional case, for reasons beyond RAPHISA's control, the publication of the selected articles should be modified or delayed to a later issue, each author will be informed so that they can confirm their approval or, if not, have the article available for submission to other journals.

Manuscripts requirements

The length of the papers will not exceed 60,000 characters -20 pages- in the first two sections of the journal; the third section will not exceed 40,000 characters -10 pages- and the fourth section 20,000 characters -5 pages-, except in the case of a debate, in which case the maximum length will be 30,000 characters; the length of the last two sections will be variable. They should be sent through the OJS platform or by e-mail, written in Word, -except for those that make up the monograph, which should be sent to the monograph coordinator- accompanied by an abstract in Spanish and English (and the title in English when they are not written in that language). The abstract will consist of between 100 and 150 words in each language together with a list of between 4 and 6 key words, also in both languages. The text should be sent in Times New Roman 11 pt. font, single-spaced, with full justification.

Authors should attach a brief curriculum vitae including their e-mail address, institutional affiliation, academic training and recent publications that also reflect the thematic areas cultivated.

Citation systems

RAPHISA, being a multidisciplinary journal, accepts several citation systems.

A. Traditional system (bibliographic citations through footnotes):

Footnotes will be made according to a general and uniform criterion that will include: Surname, first name initial, Title in italics. Place of publication: Name of publisher, year of publication; distinguishing between book, journal article and article included in a book. Example of book: Martín Velasco, Juan: Introducción a la fenomenología de la religión. Madrid: Trotta, 2006. Example of article: Benabé, Alberto and Mendoza, Julia: "Pythagorean Cosmogony and Vedic Cosmogony (RV10.129). Analogies and Differences" in Phronesis 58 (2013), pp. 32-51. A work already cited will be mentioned with the author's name followed by op. cit. and the page. If the author has several works cited in the article, the title will be abbreviated, followed by cit. and the page.

B. Abbreviated system:

When this system is chosen, citations will be indicated in the text by a parenthesis containing author, year of apa- rition of the work and page number. Example: (Martín Velasco, 2006, 95). Or, for example: Díez de Velasco 2009a would correspond to "History (Study) of Religions in Spain and the SECR (Sociedad Española de Ciencias de las Religiones)", in Bandue. Revista de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias de las Religiones No 3, pp. 123-136. Trotta (Madrid, Spain), 2009 and Díez de Velasco 2009b would correspond to "Eugenio dOrs y Mircea Eliade" in Archaeus. Studies in the History of Religions No 13, pp. 227-279. RSHR, Bucharest, 2009.

Whatever the system adopted, a general bibliographical list, arranged alphabetically, will be included at the end of the text. If an author is present with several works, their arrangement will be chronological.

Textual quotations in the body of the text should be in quotation marks, but not in italics; those highlighted in the body of the text should be in 11 pt, in a separate paragraph and indented.

If the word to which the indicative number of the footnote is juxtaposed is followed by a punctuation mark, the number will always be placed before the punctuation mark. E.g.: (...) a unitary sphere of decision and justice.9

If a phrase quoted in quotation marks is followed by a punctuation mark, the punctuation mark is placed after the quotation marks.

E.g.: "(...) e il secondo di formare una nuova "10.

Notes should be in Times New Roman 10 pt. font, single spaced, not indented and fully justified.

Tables should be numbered with a consecutive series of Roman numerals and graphs with a consecutive series of Arabic numerals. Each table or graph should be sent on a separate page, with its corresponding title and indication of its location in the text; if it is not possible to insert them in the text, the editors will place them at the end of the text.

Instructions for the use of images

- If the author wants to use images of which he/she is not the author, he/she needs to request permission for the author to use the material. This is usually done online, by sending an email requesting permission through the form.
- Make a minimum of two attempts to clear material, waiting a couple of weeks for a reply.
- Please keep a  record of all your correspondence as proof of the request.
- If the author agrees to assign the rights for publication, he/she should fill out the form for this purpose, which should be submitted to the journal through the OJS platform.
- If the media's author does not transfer the rights for publication, the paper's author will not be able to use the images in the journal.


The articles published in this section are evaluated by peers in a blind procedure.



Se evaluarán a decisión del comité editorial


Se evaluarán por proceso de evaluación por pares ciego.


Se evaluará a decisión del comité editorial.


Se evaluará a decisión del comité editorial.


Se evaluará a decisión del comité editorial.

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines.