Malaga and Mexico cultural heritage: learning two-way architectures


  • Clotilde Lechuga Jiménez Universidad de Málaga Spain



Cultural heritage, Baroque architecture, Malaga, Mexico


The cultural legacy left by Andalusia on the American territory is reflected in religious and civil architecture correspondence since the arrival of the Spaniards to this continent at the end of the 15th century. The Chronicle relates the built heritage on both sides of the Atlantic, contextualizing the Malaga and Mexican identities for their better understanding. Using another plastic visual language linked to architecture, different decorations and paintings are presented to give place to different native messages. Therefore, references to testimonies about concise object representations such as plants and animals (agaves, monkeys and feathers) are mixed up with more conceptual themes, which belong to intellectual Renaissance circles like Greco-Roman mythology paintings and interpretations of Petrarca’s writings, or Baroque theological statements. Knowledge transfer is shown by photographs and proposes a cultural heritage rich in data for any interested in this matter. This article preserves the texts, with picture summary, of the exhibition called From Malaga to Mexico, a visual tour of the Baroque heritage, by the same author.


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Author Biography

Clotilde Lechuga Jiménez, Universidad de Málaga

Profesora de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales en la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Málaga. Doctora en Filosofía y Letras en la Universidad de Granada. Licenciada en Historia del Arte. Máster en Historia de Arte y Máster en Formación de Profesorado en la Universidad de Málaga. Su trabajo se centra en la historia del arte y el patrimonio cultural y natural del siglo XX y XXI, interesándose por el análisis de las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas que resignifican estos patrimonios desde perspectivas sociales, políticas y de género, y la educación bilingüe en los estudios superiores. Miembro de la Academia Andaluza de la Historia.



How to Cite

Lechuga Jiménez, C. (2017). Malaga and Mexico cultural heritage: learning two-way architectures. TSN. Transatlantic Studies Network, (3), 183–189.