Changes in population attitudes during covid-19 in a scenario of infodemic and informational uncertainties
Infodemic, disinformation, COVID 19, transpandemicAbstract
In this work, we try to reflect on the Infodemic and misinformation that have been key during this pandemic. We consider it relevant to know the connections of the social and epidemiological information and to verify the differences and similarities between Europe and America. The article's objective is to analyse the risk of information on people's health and what are the forms of communication adopted by each of the countries. As a method of data collection, we have used the survey carried out by the market research institute Punto de Fuga and the international network Artisthrough the document: The study of the transpandemic society, which seeks to identify the effects on the behaviour of families and significant trends. The final sample was 3,050 individuals from Spain, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and USA, who answered an online semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions. Among the main results, the concern about a resurgence of the pandemic stands out, which is more significant in Central and South American countries. On the other hand, it is observed that Internet penetration differs between different countries.
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