La ópera accesible del siglo XXI: nuevos servicios, nuevas posibilidades



Palabras clave:

accesibilidad a los medios audiovisuales, traducción audiovisual, audiodescripción, audiosubtitulado, opera


El presente artículo describe los retos a los que se ha enfrentado un equipo de audiodescriptores al recibir el encargo de incrementar y mejorar los servicios de accesibilidad en el Gran Teatre del Liceu, añadiendo nuevos mecanismos que personalicen cada servicio y ofreciéndolos en varios idiomas. La primera parte del artículo describe los servicios preexistentes en dicho teatro. La segunda parte analiza las posibilidades que ofrecen las conexiones inalámbricas y los móviles de última generación tomando como referentes estudios llevados a cabo con usuarios finales en 2014-2015 por parte de la UAB y RNIB.



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Biografía del autor/a

Pilar Orero, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación y Estudios del Ásia Oriental Doctorando

Joan Bestard, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Joan Josep Bestard Bou is a Ph.D student in Translation and Intercultural Studies at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He holds a B.A. in Literary Studies from the Universitat de Barcelona (2014) and also an M.A. in Media, Communication and Culture from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2015). The Catalan government has awarded him with the scholarship FI-DGR in 2016. He is involved in ACT, a European project that aims to improve accessibility to scenic arts. His research interests are disability studies and cultural policies and accessibility, mainly to scenic arts. On the other hand, he participates in various associations and since 2015 he is part of the board team of the Youth Council of Barcelona. 

Miquel Edo, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Miquel Edo (Barcelona, 1966) has been lecturing at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, since 1992. His research interests are mainly focused on the reception of 19th and 20th century Italian literature in Spanish speaking countries, about which he has published numerous essays and articles, the majority concerning the genre of poetry, several of which focus on the translation of opera librettos. In addition, he has published translations of Italian and French poetry into Spanish and Catalan.

Gonzalo Iturregui-Gallardo, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Gonzalo Iturregui Gallardo holds a B.A. in English and French Studies with minor in German from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and he was awarded a Santander Scholarship to study an M.A. in Translation Studies at the University of Leicester, UK. During his Bachelor and Master degrees he focused on the study of dubbing and its phonetic and linguistic aspects. He has shortly worked in theatre subtitling as well as legal and jurisdictional translation and is currently a member of the TransMedia Catalonia research group, where he collaborates in the project New Approaches to Accessibility (NEA). The Catalan Government has awarded him a Ph.D. grant and he is doing a PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies at the UAB, focusing on the delivery and implementation of audio subtitles for the blind and visually impaired. His areas of interest are dubbing, subtitling, phonetics and media accessibility.

Anna Matamala, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Dr. Anna Matamala is a full-time lecturer at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where she teaches audiovisual translation. She worked as an audiovisual translator for more than ten years for the Catalan television TVC and holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Her main interests are audiovisual translation, media accessibility and applied linguistics. She has published in international journals such as MetaThe TranslatorPerspectivesCadernos de TraduçãoTranslation Watch QuarterlyCatalan Journal of Linguistics, and is the co-author (with Pilar Orero and Eliana Franco) of Voice-over Translation: An Overview (Peter Lang, 2010), and co-editor of Listening to Subtitles (Peter Lang, 2010, with Pilar Orero), New Insights into Audiovisual Translation(Rodopi, 2010, with Jorge Díaz-Cintas and Josélia Neves), and Audiovisual Translation in Close-Up: Practical and Theoretical Approaches (Peter Lang, 2011, with A. Serban and J.-M. Lavaur).

Iris Cristina Permuy Hércules de Solás, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Iris C. Permuy holds a B.A. in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Murcia and a M.A. in Audiovisual Translation from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). In 2010/2011 she collaborated with the Cervantes Institute, the University of Murcia and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in the project "Refranero Multilingüe." Afterwards, she was granted a Fulbright scholarship at the University of Arkansas in 2013/2014, where she taught Spanish Literature, Language and Culture. At all times, she combined her academic activities with her freelancing career as a literary translator and subtitler in TraducArte. She is currently doing her PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies at UAB, focusing on Clean Audio and Sound Objects within the framework of the European Project Hybrid Broadcast Broadband for All. She was awarded an FI scholarship from the Catalan government in 2015 and is also a member of the Transmedia Catalonia research group.


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Cabeza-Cáceres, Cristóbal & Matamala, Anna (2008): «La audiodescripción de ópera: una nueva propuesta del Liceo», in Pérez-Ugena, Álvaro; Vizcaíno-Laorga, Ricardo (eds.), Ulises y la comunidad sorda: hacia el desarrollo de tecnologías comunicativas para la igualdad de oportunidades. Observatorio de las Realidades Sociales y de la Comunicación, Madrid, 195- 108.

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Matamala, Anna (2005): Live Audio Description in Catalonia. Translating Today 4, 9-11.

Matamala, Anna (2007): «La audiodescripción en directo», in Jiménez, Catalina (ed.), Traducción y accesibilidad. Subtitulación para sordos y audiodescripción para ciegos: nuevas modalidades de Traducción Audiovisual. Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 121-132.

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Miquel-Iriarte, Marta; Vilaró, Anna; Orero, Pilar; Serrano, Javier; Delgado, Héctor (2012): «Entitling: A Way Forward for Accessibility», in Perego, Elisa (ed.), Eye-Tracking in Audiovisual Translation. Aracne Editrice, Rome, 259-276.

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Orero, Pilar (2007): "Audiosubtitling: A possible Solution for opera accessibility in Catalonia". TradTerm 13, 135-149. doi: 10.11606/issn.2317-9511.tradterm.2007.47470

Orero, Pilar & Matamala, Anna (2007): "Accessible opera: overcoming linguistic and sensorial barriers". Perspectives. Studies in Translatology 15/4, 262-278. doi: 10.1080/13670050802326766

Puigdomènech, Laura; Matamala, Anna; Orero, Pilar (2008): «The making of a protocol for opera audio description», in Pegenaute, Luis; De Cesaris, Janet; Tricàs, Mercè; Bernal, Elisenda (eds.), Actas del III Congreso Internacional de la AIETI. La traducción del futuro: mediación lingüística y cultural en el siglo XXI. Barcelona 22-24 de marzo de 2007. PPU, Barcelona, Vol. 1, 381-392.

Puigdomènech, Laura; Matamala, Anna; Orero, Pilar (2010): «Audio description of films: state of the art and protocol proposal», in Bogucki, ?ukasz, Kredens, Krzysztof (eds.), Perspectives on Audiovisual Translation. Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 27-43.

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Cómo citar

Orero, P., Bestard, J., Edo, M., Iturregui-Gallardo, G., Matamala, A., & Permuy Hércules de Solás, I. C. (2019). La ópera accesible del siglo XXI: nuevos servicios, nuevas posibilidades. TRANS: Revista De Traductología, (23), 245–256.


