Aproximación a la cerámica griega a través de las portadas de obras literarias
Social networks, education system, covers of literary works, Greek vase-paintingsAbstract
We are immersed in a society that is experiencing rapid changes in multiple aspects. One of them is the unstoppable advance of social networks, which is becoming a basic element in the daily life of most people, especially young people, with the repercussions that this entails. Paradoxically, important defi ciencies in oral and written comprehension are being detected in the education system, to which must be added the lack of motivation and the little interest that the current teaching-learning system arouses in the students. Taking into account the reality of the students, focused on the era of digitalization and image, this work is presented as a methodological strategy, using the covers of literary works, where the protagonists are the images of Greek vase-paintings.
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