Lingvae imaginibvs ivngendae exemplvm De regibvs exactis apvd Titvm Livium
reign, expel, Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Servius Tullius, death, exile, Rome, Tite LivyAbstract
We have chosen seven excerpts from the first book of Tite Livy’s ab Vrbe condit? about the expulsion of the Roman kings and we’ve made an adaptation out of them so we can read them with our students by using only images and exercises. In fact, some kings just passed away, while others were removed from their power through murder or exile. Therefore, we’ve decided to off er them as examples of the monarchy
for our students using just exercises about language and subject matter, and presenting some drawings about their ending that we’ve drawn ourselves just the way the author describes it.
Index Librorum
Ørberg, H. (1990), Roma aeterna, Domus Latina, Greena.
Martín Tordesillas, Á. (1981), Antología latina, Textos clásicos anotados Gredos, Madrid.
McDonald, A.H. (1965), Livy. History of Rome, Oxford University Press.
Luce, T.J. (2008), Livy. The rise of Rome. Books 1 to 5, Oxford University Press.
Villar Vidal, J.A. (1990), Tito Livio. Historia de Roma desde su fundación, Gredos, Madrid.