Actividades lúdicas para fomentar la competencia comunicativa en las aulas


  • Marina Gascón Puente Spain



Living latin, teaching unit, communicational competence


The main objective of the work is to analyze the teaching method proposed by living Latin and make a proposal of teaching units that promote Latin as a language of communication in the classroom while following the contents established in the Education Law. For this, we propose to analyze the teaching of Latin throughout history, specifi cally in the Renaissance, since there was a diversity of authors, such as Vives, who claimed an active use of Latin in their teaching. In addition, we will relate the proposals of the humanists with the proposals of the supporters of Latin alive today. Given that the work is both practical and theoretical and limited in scope, we will not go too far in citing resources and current authors, since we prefer to get a general idea of the current situation and compile the principles of the direct method that help us make a proposal of activities. For this reason, the present work, in addition to analyzing the teaching of the Latin language in the present and the live Latin method, will propose a series of activities to be carried out in the Latin classrooms of the fi rst year of high school to facilitate that the students speak it , not at an advanced level, but initial. 


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