Iconografía de la competición en la antigua Grecia aplicada a la educación física en la enseñanza secundaria


  • Mª Luz Husillos García Spain




Physical Education, Interdisciplinarity, Ancient Greece


We are immersed in a society that is rapidly modifying many daily habits and that are causing multiple problems to which an urgent response must be given. One of these is our lifestyle, increasingly sedentary, which can cause serious health problems, such as childhood obesity, so we are facing the urgent need to promote exercise from the earliest ages. To achieve this, the intervention of the educational system is fundamental, allowing a comprehensive training of students through education, in aspects that favor physical exercise and combining it with healthy eating habits. The proposal presented here consists of the exhibition of theoretical contents of the subject of Physical Education in the secondary education, through an interdisciplinary methodology, which allows to capture the attention of students, using some elements of ancient Greece, such as those existing in the painting of ceramics, in order to encourage exercise and increase the level of physical activity. 


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