Enseñanza gamificada y aprendizaje basado en problemas: diseño de un escape room sobre cultura clásica


  • Carolina Real Torres Spain




Gamification, problem based learning, escape room, classic culture


This work describes the design and development of an escape game (escape room), carried out by the teachers and students of the subject “Learning and Teaching of Language and Literature (Latin and Greek)” of the Master in Training of the
Teachers of Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching at the University of La Laguna, for the subject of Classical Culture and intended for students of Secondary and High school of Humanities. Our objective is to approach gamification and problem-based learning as learning strategies, showing the benefi ts derived from its implementation in the classroom, as well as the advantages of cooperative work in the development of any educational activity. We conclude that the combination of a group gamification model and problem-based learning constitutes an excellent tool for the teaching-learning process, increasing motivation, responsibility and commitment in future teachers, and facilitating the development of necessary professional skills. for working life. The design of this gamified activity is expected to serve as a model and inspiration for teachers for future implementations at the Secondary and High school levels.



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