Propuesta didáctica a partir de la lectura de la Comedia de la Olla o Aulularia de Plauto
Theatre, comedy, reading worksheet, educational innovationAbstract
The theme of Latin theatre and Plautus’ comedy Aulularia allows us to analyse various cultural and literary aspects of the Roman period: the festive situation, the plot of the plays, their language, characters, tradition, etc. The didactic proposal has been put into practice in a class of 1st year Baccalaureate of Humanities. Through a traditional and active methodology, the aim is to achieve harmony between the role of the teacher as a provider of knowledge and the student as an active participant in the teaching-learning process. After a survey of their reading habits, the starting point is the student’s initial level and it is attempted to fill any possible reading deficiencies by
a reading worksheet. Overall, the academic results were outstandingly high and the degree of satisfaction among the students was elevated. At last, the instrument used for the evaluation is the rubric, whose percentage will be 10%. Moreover, not only students will self-evaluate their work on the reading worksheet, but also the method itself.
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Textos y traducciones
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