The sprint in persons with visually impaired


  • Miguel Ángel Torralba Universidad de Barcelona Spain
  • José María Padullés INEFC-Barcelona Spain
  • Marcelo Braz Vieira Universidad de Barcelona Spain
  • Helena Olson Universidad de Barcelona Spain



visually impaired, paralympic sport, athletics, sprint race, kinematic of the race


The present study aimed to identify differences observed in the sprints races performed by visually impaired athletes. Data were collected from 39 blind athletes from 24 countries participated in the 100 meters Paralympic Games in Beijing 2008.The extracted data allow to assess race time (s), average speed (m/s), number of steps, average frequency (Hz), mean of step time (s) and mean of the step amplitude (m), making a comparative study with non-disabled. Recordings of the audio-visual center of Beijing Paralympic Committee (DVD) were collected, and data was processed with SPSS (21.0).Among the results, highlight the importance of stride length and frequency, where the blind athletes show lower results in the first parameter, highlighting a very positive almost no difference in the reaction of output tacos.


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How to Cite

Torralba, M. Ángel, Padullés, J. M., Braz Vieira, M., & Olson, H. (2014). The sprint in persons with visually impaired. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 3(3), 14–23.


