Randomized studies on the effect of senior fitness test in the elderly
senior fitness test, elderly, effectAbstract
Introduction: A relationship has been observed with a good physical condition of the elderly people with de Senior Fitness Test Program (SFT)
Objective: The aim of this study is analyzed randomized clinical trials (RCT) with elderly people, like an intervention between 10 and 12 weeks that all battery test are analyzed SFT: Chair Stand, Arm Curl, 6- Minute Walk, 2- Minute Step, Chair-Sit and Reach, Back Scratch y 8-Foot up- And-Go.
Methodology: A search was made in the data bases: PubMed, Dialnet, Google Shocolar, Elsevier y Scopus, from 2000 to 2017, the search strategy was “Senior Fitness Test, Elderly and Physical Activity” four papers were founded with ideals conditions for the analysis.
Results: The first study only one test show significant differences (p=0.001) the second paper, two test showed improvements in the strength (sit down and get up), (p=0.022) and their flexibilities (p=0.046), other study the strength in lower limbs was modified in a positive way (p=0.001), the same way the flexibility in arms (p=0.001)
Conclusion: The results show an improve in some physical capacities in elderly people, but not in all, for that reason is recommended longitudinal studies with major homogeneity
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