Psychological intervention program for injured university athletes
psychological response, sports injuries, psychological accompaniment, moods state, adherenceAbstract
The objetive was to know the effect of a psychological intervention program based on CBT to improve the psychological response to the injury and the patient's mood during the rehabilitation process, as well as to identify the perspective of the patient and the rehabilitator in the rehabilitation process. Mixed methodology was used, 7 university athletes with lower extremity injuries participated, a semi-structured interview and a battery of questionnaires were applied; the intervention program consisted of 8 sessions, 60-minutes each one. The results showed that negative emotions were present in the first rehabilitation sessions, with depression, sadness and stress being the most present and as the psychological sessions progressed, the emotional changes were reflected, especially from session 5 onwards. Regarding adherence to therapy, there was a discrepancy in the perception of the athletes and the rehabilitator. These results highlight the importance of investigating psychosocial aspects more deeply for adequate adherence to treatment and prompt return to sport.
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