Analysis of the power of vertical jump and the maxim speed of the ball in an amateur soccer team
soccer, power, speed, jump, ball speedAbstract
In soccer, when a player sets up his shot in a specific space, the character of execution around the improvement of speed is implied in parallel a reduction of the function of achieving the exact projection of where it is desired to take the ball. The present work aims to analyze the power of the vertical jump and the maximum speed of the ball in an amateur soccer team. The present non-experimental study identifies its structure in the positivist paradigm and with it its methodological foundation in the quantitative method with a correlational work design framed under a transversal cut; in addition, having a developmental nature in the field, the sample was intentionally designated in a non-probabilistic way, constituted by 25 male participants (age 15.62 ± 0.5 years, weight 59.94 ± 7.8Kg, height 169.47 ± 6.08 cm). SJ, CMJ, ABK and unipodal free jumps and maximum ball velocity (VMB) were measured. the average values of the jumps are higher for ABK (40.5cm), with respect to CMJ (34.3cm) and these in turn higher than SJ (31.0cm), being the unidopodal jumps those with the lowest values observed (left 20.3 and right 21.5 cm), the VMB reached 89.3 km/h. A significant correlation (p<0.05) was observed between BMV vs. height of the unipodal jump with the right leg. The results of the present study indicate that for the group of soccer players evaluated, the greater manifestation of mechanical power produced in a unipodal jump may favor the result of the maximum velocity of the ball after the strike.
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