Sociodemographic analysis of Chilean Paralympic Athletes: Go to Santiago 2023
people with disabilities, sports for persons with disabilities, paralympic athletesAbstract
Objective: It was to carry out a sociodemographic characterization of the Chilean para athletes. Methods: It consisted of the application questionnaire designed for the specificity of the intended information, and the related variables investigated were related to age, sex, region where you live, type of disability, sport you practice, level educational for athletes. Results: 176 athletes participated, 39 women (22.15%) and 137 men (77.84%). The sport with the highest number of participants for women is Goalball (30.76%), and for men it was Football 7 a side (24.81%). Regarding the distribution by impairment, most of the athletes correspond to physical disability (80.68%). Of the medical diagnoses, the majority is brain injury (32.38%), and in the case of women, spinal injury and visual impairment (29.73%). Of the levels of educational training, we can see that the majority of the secondary / technical school is completely 72 (40.90%). When observing the distribution by region, the majority are in the Metropolitan region of Santiago with 53.98%. Conclusion: The information collected is highly important to generate policies that allow the distribution of resources and programs at the national level
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