The application of active methodologies for the teaching of legal sciences to first-year students


  • Mª REMEDIOS ZAMORA ROSELLÓ Universidad de Málaga Spain



simulation, skills, group learning, active learning, case method


The novelties that are being introduced in university education the ideal framework for a methodological renewal. Knowledge of the essential characteristics of group learning for the realization of the case method represent a further step for the improvement of the teaching practice in the University. In this context we present the results obtained in the application of an active methodology, as the simulation, to a first-year student group; situation that lets we know the advantages and weaknesses of this activity. The application of simulations in legal subjects has been linked to students who were going to work in the field of law; but the renovation methodological also allows to alter these traditional patterns and implement this activity to students of other degrees and with little previous knowledge about theory and legal practice.


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Author Biography

Mª REMEDIOS ZAMORA ROSELLÓ, Universidad de Málaga

Doctora en Derecho (Doctorado Europeo). Profesora de Derecho Administrativo


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How to Cite

ZAMORA ROSELLÓ, M. R. (2010). The application of active methodologies for the teaching of legal sciences to first-year students. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (1), 95–106.


