The statute of the university student: a challenge of the educational Administration
Organic Law of Universities, European Higher Education Area, rights and duties of students, draft Statute for university studentsAbstract
The Organic Law of Universities 6/2001, of December 21, (LOU) devotes Title XIII in general to the European Higher Education Area, and specifically the full integration of the Spanish university system to the European Higher Education Area; the EHEA becoming both a challenge to be achieved, as well as a kind of “omnipresent” myth in all university life; to the point that, all political and academic actions, are turned under the protection of this myth, which seems to overshadow the authentic needs of the Spanish university. And so, as a result of the convergence, a huge normative work will be produced in its different areas, as will happen with the Statute of the University Student that appears in the Organic Law of Modification to the Law of Universities (LOMLU) Law 4/2007 , of April 12, where through art.46.5 the government of the nation is entrusted with its approval. The proposal of the Draft prepared by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, in January 2009, as well as its content, and all those issues that affect the set of rights and obligations of students, is what this article is about, where it is analyzed from the procedure, hermetic, which has been taken in its preparation, to the observations and objections presented by a text that, at this time, there is no doubt, constitutes a real challenge for those responsible for the educational Administration.
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