Development and evaluation of oral and written rhetorical skills through essays and case studies


  • JAVIER HERNANDO MASDEU Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain



essay, rethoric, skills, cases, Bologna Process, law systems


In Europe “civil law” schools the use of cases are often intended to help students to find out the "right" solution in a given legal problem. Among us, in continental Europe, most of law is made by scholars and legislators and the main task of a student in solving a case is place the facts in the right legal or theoretical category, so improving his conceptual management skills and his knowledge of the statutory law. By contrast, in anglo-saxon tradition law is developed mainly by judges, so teaching has much more to do with learning the way lawyers work. Cases and essays are used to discuss topics, and students strenghten their rethorical and argumentative skills. This paper analyzes the origins and development of those differences and shows and specific experience on use of cases and essays in a civil law tradition school (in Spain) in the context of Bologna Process, widely understood in Europe as focused in skills and competences, beyond the traditional role of contents and knowledge.


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Author Biography

JAVIER HERNANDO MASDEU, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Profesor de Derecho Constitucional
Centro Universitario Villanueva (adscrito a la Universidad Complutense de Madrid)


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How to Cite

HERNANDO MASDEU, J. (2011). Development and evaluation of oral and written rhetorical skills through essays and case studies. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (3), 81–92.


