Rights and authorities in the statute of the university student
Organic Law of Universities, European Higher Education Area, rights and duties of students, statute of the university studentAbstract
According to the Organic Law on Amendments to the Law on Universities (LOMLOU) Law 4 / 2007 of 12 April, setting a deadline of one year for drafting the statute of the university student, so taking into account the legal text in April 2008, should be approved by the Government of the nation on the Statute.
Upon completion of this work, December 2010, the Statute is a reality, culminating a long period that began with the first draft, and discussed, and followed by a second, January 20, 2010, with the resulting information public to get to the proposal of the Ministry of Education April 21, 2010 -had been discussed and debated by the University Council and General Conference on University Policy, produced a favorable report on April 26, 2010, and then the Ministry of Education sent to the Council of State, dated 21 September, the text of the draft royal decree approving the Statute of the College Student, and received the mandatory opinion in December, with corresponding observations , raised the proposal to the Council of Ministers which approved it on December 30.
The text approved by Royal Decree is what gives rise to this effort, which complements the earlier published in this journal (nº. 1), although we will focus, for reasons of literary space, those aspects that can be most relevant under substantive issues presented.
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