The adaptation of the studies of Law to the EHEA: the experience of the pilot groups in the subjects of Administrative Law I and II in the Faculty of Law of the University of Malaga
pilot groups, European Space for Higher Education (ESHE), case method, skills acquisition, comprehensive learningAbstract
This article gives notice of the experience carried out at the Law Faculty of the University of Málaga to anticipate the implementation of the European Space for Higher Education (ESHE). The author has been in charge of two subjects, Administrative Law I and II, for 3rd and 4th year undergraduate Law students. The methodology put into effect received the general label of “pilot groups”. It has consisted of fashioning small groups (up to 50) of students who voluntarily wanted to participate in the ESHE way of teaching before the implementation of the new Syllabus for Law Degree in the University of Málaga. The use of the case method and a more comprehension-oriented style of education was a big challenge, taking into consideration the strong academic tradition in Spanish Law Schools, but the results achieved have been a success and a stimulant experience for the imminent, generalized introduction of the ESHE. The surveys passed onto the students by the Centro Andaluz de Prospectiva, an external, independent higher education quality controller,show a remarkable degree of satisfaction.
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