New methodologies in the teaching of Law: a practical experience in the field of Roman Law


  • LUCIA BERNAD SEGARRA Universidad de Valencia Spain
  • GABRIEL BUIGUES OLIVER Universidad de Valencia Spain



new methodologies, problem based learning, case method, notebook of problems, Roman Law


This study tries to show the experience of the authors in relation to new methodologies in higher education, particularly in the field of their discipline, Roman law. The authors would like to highlight that each lecturer should adapt these new methodologies to the courses they give. They explain in this study their own experience in this process.


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Author Biographies

LUCIA BERNAD SEGARRA, Universidad de Valencia

Profesora Titular de Universidad. Área de Derecho Romano

GABRIEL BUIGUES OLIVER, Universidad de Valencia

Profesora Titular de Universidad. Área de Derecho Romano


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How to Cite

BERNAD SEGARRA, L., & BUIGUES OLIVER, G. (2014). New methodologies in the teaching of Law: a practical experience in the field of Roman Law. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (9), 89–114.


