Administrative environmental offenses in the area covered by the headquarters of the 6th environmental military police company. A regional reality (State of Santa Catarina)


  • SANDRO LUIZ BAZZANELLA Universidade do Contestado
  • DANIELLY BORGUEZAN Universidade do Contestado
  • FLÁVIO HENRIQUE MAYER Universidade do Contestado



environment, environmental police, administrative offenses


This paper aims, with doctrinal grounds, legal contributions, and data provided by the Environmental Police of Santa Catarina, analyzing the administrative environmental offenses caught by the headquarters of the 6th of Environmental Military Police Company in Canoinhas and its catchment area, which includes nine municipalities that occurred between the years of 2012, 2013 and 2014. Through this study we can see that the Administrative Law and Environmental Law contribute with all its effectiveness in protecting the environment, given that the exploitation of resources natural are in focus today. The Environmental Police of Santa Catarina institution has an extremely important role in the surveillance process in environmental offenses, since it has legal authority to act both preventively and in repressive manner towards the environment and the community. This paper proposes to introduce the reader to a regional reality with regard to environmental administrative offenses caught in the years 2012, 2013 and 2014 the headquarters of the 6th SC Company, as well as a brief comparative approach between periods, thus demonstrating that malpractices tend to have higher or lower incidence in our region.


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Author Biographies

SANDRO LUIZ BAZZANELLA, Universidade do Contestado

Doutor Interdisicplinar em Ciências Humanas

DANIELLY BORGUEZAN, Universidade do Contestado

Engenheiro Florestal e Bacharel em Direito

FLÁVIO HENRIQUE MAYER, Universidade do Contestado

Engenheiro Florestal e Bacharel em Direito


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How to Cite

LUIZ BAZZANELLA, S., BORGUEZAN, D., & HENRIQUE MAYER, F. (2017). Administrative environmental offenses in the area covered by the headquarters of the 6th environmental military police company. A regional reality (State of Santa Catarina). Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (15), 75–90.


