Study on the historical evolution of fiscal collaboration between the States





tax cooperation, bilateralism, multilateralism, double taxation, double non-taxation, multilateral tax treaties


This paper analyzes the fiscal collaboration between states over the years, and how the instruments have evolved to achieve this. Specifically, the premise is that economic reality has guided a process of articulation of measures to eliminate, first, during the XIX century and much of the twentieth international double taxation of incomes, mainly through bilateral double taxation agreements, and second, currently double the non-taxation of income through tax multilateralism, specifically, multilateral tax treaties.


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Profesor de Derecho Financiero y Tributario


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How to Cite

SÁNCHEZ-ARCHIDONA HIDALGO, G. (2017). Study on the historical evolution of fiscal collaboration between the States. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (16), 95–124.



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