Surrogate motherhood from the perspective of constitutional law. A jurisprudential analysis of the affected assets and rights of constitutional value


  • Marta Barranco Dos Santos Università degli studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli/Universidad de Málaga Italy



Surrogate motherhood, dignity, rigth of free development of one’s personality, equity, rigth to respect for private and family life


Nowadays surrogate motherhood is an important issue often brought up in our society, jurisprudence and doctrine about the legalization of a practice that provides couples or individuals with the reproductive capacity of other women. As this practice is prohibited in Spain, many Spanish citizens have moved abroad temporarily to countries where it is lawful to have newborns by this method.

Thus, because of the potential consequences resulted by an instrumental consideration of women it is necessary to examine the fundamental rigths and constitutional values involved in this matter. After all, this is the only way of evaluating the adequacy of the actual prohibition.



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How to Cite

Barranco Dos Santos, M. (2024). Surrogate motherhood from the perspective of constitutional law. A jurisprudential analysis of the affected assets and rights of constitutional value: . Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (31), 77–106.



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